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The Stevenson Trail

Day 9 - Pont de Montvert to Florac

10th May 2016

Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
17.86 4H35 3H37 192 721 540 1,091





After the previous day's walking we were rather apprehensive about the section Pont de Montvert to Florac. This is the longest section and amounts to 27.3 km with a great deal of climbing. The guide book puts the time at 8 hrs 45 mins to complete the route via Bedoues, although there is an option to take the GR68 towards the end to shorten the distance to Florac, as I did last September. The weather forecast was not good..... a repeat of the previous day.... and my chest infection was slowing me down considerably on the big climbs. After looking at all the options, and remembering that we were here to enjoy ourselves, we opted to go to Col de Sapet by car and to start the walk there. This would save 12.7 km and avoid the really tough section for climbing. This seemed to make sense, as even if we had gone onto the high ridge the visibility would not be great, and we would have been susceptible to the high winds. The decision also meant that we would not have to use the short cut of the GR68, and could go via Bedoues.



Bidding farewell to Loes and Kees (Photo BJJ)

Heading up to Col de Sapet

Arriving at Col de Sapet, kindly driven by Mathew (Photo BJJ)

Col de Sapet

From Col de Sapet, 10km via the GR68 and 16km via Bedoues











The huge volume of water coming off the mountain made it difficult to cross the stream

So a bit of ingenuity was required to make a small "bridge" to get across out of two planks lying nearby




Approaching Bedoues




Chapelle St Saturnin

la Collégiale de Bédouès



Approaching Florac




Accommodation Notes

Hotel des Gorges du Tarn***
48, rue du Pecher,

Tel: 04 66 45 00 63





Now that's what you call a cheese board!